Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Failed Leader

John McCain’s leadership credentials have taken a huge beating, after the “bailout plan” for which McCain claims all the credit (and totally undeservedly) was defeated in the House of Representatives.
McCain’s supporters and campaign managers had gone on every single news program claiming that it was the Arizona senator who had engineered bipartisan support for the bill, while also calling for the plan to be rewritten and expanded upon. This from a man, who had just a couple of days earlier claimed not to have read the original 3-page Paulson plan. And a man who openly agrees that he does not understand the economy.
Yes, quite a few House Democrats did not vote for the bill. But House Republicans, who Senator McCain claimed to have convinced voted “Nay” in large numbers. This is a huge failure for Senator McCain; it shows that neither does he have any knowledge of the economy nor does he have the leadership required to run a country in crisis. Damn, he doesn’t have his “House” in order.

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